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We help industry-leading service and support operations set their strategic goals, improve operational efficiency and drive high level of performance while improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Our proven strategic planning consulting services leverage input from key decision makers within the organization, interviews with individual contributors and discussions with key customers to develop the strategic plan and align organizational objectives for maximum business results. In addition, we will align the strategy with customer service industry standards and best practices to ensure your success.

Our clients' industries

Business Services
Consumer Products
Financial Services

Strategic & tactical planning

Our service can help you create a comprehensive strategic plan, KPIs and goals to lead your organization to the next level of performance. The plan will provide a three to five year roadmap to guide your organizational development and help eliminate the chaos that can result from poor planning.

We use our planning processes to collect input from executives, individual contributors, and other key stakeholders to ensure the plan is aligned with corporate objectives. The strategic plan will allow you to prepare for and implement the strategies and tactics necessary to achieve your organizational goals and objectives.

Planning procedure

Support Strategic planning

A vision statement describes the way you envision your business. As such, it should communicate that dream to your employees and customers in an inspirational manner.

A vision statement should be reviewed continuously to ensure it is still aligned with the way you see your company.

While a vision describes how you view your business to your customers and stakeholders, a mission statement describes what you do currently. It often describes what you do, for who, and how. Focusing on your mission each day should enable you to reach your vision. A mission statement could broaden your choices, and/or narrow them.

Core values describe your beliefs and behaviors. They are the beliefs you have that will enable you to achieve your vision and mission.

SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. A SWOT analysis provides businesses a situational investigation into their position in the market. It allows you to spot and name the important aspects, happenings, and adversaries of your business.

Long-term goals are statements that drill down a level below the vision and describe how you plan to achieve it. This set of goals usually starts three years out and extends to around five years into the future, directly aligning with the mission and vision statements.

Each long-term goal should have a few one-year objectives that advance your goals. Each objective should be as SMART as possible: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-based.

Each objective should have a plan that details how it will be achieved. The amount of detail depends on the amount of flexibility you want your managers and team to have. The more detail provided the less flexibility exists for those that follow the plan.